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Force Android to switch to mobile internet on weak WiFi

My new phone has an awesome WiFi modem. πŸ“‘ The problem is that it's a bit too good for it's own sake. Whenever I walk away from my home, I will be offline for up to 50 meters from my place. This is because my Android phone is still connected to my home WiFi, but the signal is too weak to provide any internet access.

Luckily, the issue of your phone staying connected to a weak WiFi is extremely easy to solve. 😊

Step 1 – Enable developer settings πŸ› 

Step 2 – Go to developer settings βš™οΈ

Note: You can also enable "Mobile data always active" to make sure you will never end up being offline, however this will have an impact on your phone's battery life.


That was it – a piece of cake 🍰. 😊

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