
Linguistics is a category in a broad sense of the word. It could very well be Philology. Posts varying from syntax to sociolinguistics fall into this category.

Poetry and a cup of coffee

Poetry is a complex genre of literature, and it is often something that we wouldn't expect computers to be able to understand. Poems play with the language by intentionally breaking […]

The amazing murre Python library

When we Finns write online or message with friends and family, we hardly ever resort to using standard written Finnish (kirjakieli). Instead, we write as we would speak (in puhekieli), […]

text saying you got this

Turku dependency parsers, both the statistical and neural ones, are no doubt among the most important recent NLP tools developed for Finnish. Without them, doing NLP for Finnish would be […]

How to use Omorfi for Finnish morphology

Omorfi is inarguably an amazing tool for processing Finnish morphology both in analysis and generation. However, using it might be quite a challenge for the users who are not too […]

crossword puzzle

Morphology can be described as the smallest information bearing unit of the human language. Words that are inflected can be divided into morphemes, e.g. -ed in talked is a morpheme that […]

A globe showing a part of North America

Languages can be grouped together in different ways. One can put languages together based on their family relation (e.g. Uralic languages, Indo-European languages) or the area where they are spoken. […]